Comments on: Grandma’s Old Fashioned Bread Stuffing simple, yet special, recipes for the home chef. Fri, 29 Dec 2023 21:50:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Yates Wed, 22 Nov 2023 00:13:12 +0000 In reply to Heather.

Hi Heather! It’s not a mix-up – I do it like that every year, and it turns out great. But, if you’d prefer to keep the elements separate until just before baking, and toss them together then, you can!

By: Heather Tue, 21 Nov 2023 21:41:43 +0000 Hi, This looks like a stuffing my older neighbor used to make!  I am confused on the “make ahead” tips though.  It says you can prep this recipe the beginning of step 9 (combining wet and dry indigents) and store in the fridge for 2 days.  Is that a mix-up?  Wouldn’t some of those dry bits just be mush by that point?  Thanks

By: Lori Yates Thu, 19 Oct 2023 13:57:23 +0000 In reply to Patrick Osterberg.

Thanks so much, Patrick. This sounds great! Smart idea to put the gizzards in a food processor.

By: Patrick Osterberg Wed, 18 Oct 2023 22:12:14 +0000 1&1/2 loaves of home made bread (dry) soak in whole milk
1 regular onion (chopped fine)
1 cup of chicken gizzards, hearts & livers thru medium grinder or food processor
1 apple ( cut fine )
1 Tbs sugar
2 Tbs of butter
2 or 3 jumbo eggs
salt & pepper
Mix together, ( don’t over mix ) and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Be sure interior temperature is 165 degrees before serving.

By: Lori Yates Tue, 22 Nov 2022 14:29:53 +0000 In reply to Bonnie Chambers.

The “turkey lefties”! I love that so much. Happy Thanksgiving, Bonnie.

By: Bonnie Chambers Mon, 21 Nov 2022 18:37:05 +0000 I made the old fashioned dressing, my grandma made it and so do I, it’s great. I use chicken stock an save the turkey lefties for gravy.

By: Lori Yates Mon, 21 Nov 2022 15:03:10 +0000 In reply to Pam Armstrong.

Yours sounds delicious as well, Pam! I agree, it’s mostly just from taste and memory, as much as I TRY to write down a specific recipe to share with others.

By: Pam Armstrong Sun, 20 Nov 2022 17:55:02 +0000 I still make my grandma’s bread dressing.  Where mine is similar to yours there are some differences. 

I use white bread that has been left out to stale for 5-6 days. It is then dipped in milk and chopped up

I boil the onions and use both onions and onion juice

I also boil a turkey part. Grandma and mom used the heart liver and giblets. I just buy a turkey thigh and boil it.  I use the turkey broth as well  

From there it is all by taste. Salt and poultry seasoning.  

I have so many good memories learning to make this traditional dressing from my Mom’s family. 

By: Fluffysquirrel Wed, 09 Nov 2022 15:13:35 +0000 ]]> In reply to Heather Hollands.

Heather, could you share your recipe? I plan to make a batch for my daughter’s high school Thanksgiving feast next week.❤️

By: Fluffysquirrel Wed, 09 Nov 2022 14:59:16 +0000 This is a classic recipe, the only difference is that my mom and grandma only use Kaiser rolls, not the bagged stuff . I was baffled to see both kinds of bread and thought it might be too much . 
