S'mores Cupcakes - These sweet treats have a triple dose of marshmallow flavor! | foxeslovelemons.com

What is your favorite activity to pass the time of the long, cold winter months? For me, it really depends on if there’s snow or not. If there’s a lot of snow, I like to go snowshoeing, or just take my dog for a “winter wonderland walk,” as I call it.

If there’s no snow, and it’s just cold, dreary and miserable outside, I’m happy to stay inside. I love (love!) board games. My lucky husband gets to either play board games with me, or listen to me whine about it. But I can usually talk him into it by offering a snack or drink of some sort while we play.

S'mores Cupcakes - These sweet treats have a triple dose of marshmallow flavor! | foxeslovelemons.com

A great drink option for this time of year is TruMoo Chocolate Marshmallow Milk. This stuff is pretty cool, because it combines both rich chocolate and marshmallow flavors. While it’s great cold, I think it’s even better if you warm it up – it’s like ready-made hot chocolate, no extra marshmallows needed!

Just like regular TruMoo, this ready-to-serve drink is made with wholesome low-fat white milk from your trusted local dairy. Plus, it contains no artificial growth hormones or high fructose corn syrup. Make sure you get it while it’s hot (or cold), because it is only available in February and March!

TruMoo Chocolate Marshmallow Milk | foxeslovelemons.com

To really entice Jeff to want to play a board game (I’m talking like Monopoly here, not a 5-minute card game), I brought these S’mores Cupcakes to the table last week. These are classic chocolate cupcakes with a triple hit of marshamallow: 1.) the chocolate cake batter is made with TruMoo Chocolate Marshmallow milk, 2.) The cupcakes are filled with marshmallow creme, and 3.) The frosting is meringue that I’ve browned with a blowtorch to replicate a toasted marshmallow flavor.

S'mores Cupcakes - These sweet treats have a triple dose of marshmallow flavor! | foxeslovelemons.com

S'mores Cupcakes - These sweet treats have a triple dose of marshmallow flavor! | foxeslovelemons.com

S'mores Cupcakes

Yield: 24 cupcakes
Prep Time: 55 minutes
Cook Time: 18 minutes


For the Cupcakes:

  • 1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2/3 cup cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter, softened
  • 1-1/2 cups granulated sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 cup TruMoo Chocolate Marshmallow Milk

For the Filling:

  • 3/4 cup marshmallow creme

For the Meringue Frosting:

  • 4 large egg whites
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • Pinch of sea salt

For Garnish:

  • 6 graham crackers, broken into four pieces each (24 total pieces)
  • 2 milk chocolate bars (1.55 ounces each), broken into six pieces each (24 total pieces)


  1. Make the Cupcakes: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line 24 standard muffin cups with paper liners. In small bowl, whisk together flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt.
  2. In bowl of standing mixer fitted with whisk attachment, beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs and vanilla; beat until well combined. Add flour mixture alternately with milk, beating until just combined after each addition.
  3. Divide batter between prepared muffin cups (fill each cup about halfway). Bake 18 to 20 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center of cupcakes comes out clean. Transfer pans to wire racks; let cool 5 minutes. Turn cupcakes out onto wire racks and let cool completely before filling and frosting.
  4. Fill the Cupcakes: Fill piping bag fitted with plain round tip with marshmallow creme. Carefully press a hole into the top of each cupcake and fill with creme.
  5. Make the Meringue Frosting:  In heatproof bowl of standing mixer set over pan of simmering water, combine egg whites, sugar and salt. Whisk constantly by hand until mixture is warm and sugar has dissolved (when you rub the mixture between your fingertips, it should be completely smooth with no sugar granules still noticeable).
  6. Attach bowl to stand mixer fitted with whisk attachment. Starting on low and gradually increasing speed to medium-high, whisk 8 to 10 minutes or until stiff peaks form, and mixture is completely cool.
  7. Use piping bag to pipe Meringue Frosting onto Cupcakes. If desired, use small kitchen blowtorch to lightly toast the meringue. Garnish S'mores Cupcakes with graham cracker and chocolate pieces.

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Disclosure: This was a sponsored post written by me on behalf of TruMoo. Sponsored posts help me pay for the costs associated with this blog (groceries…lots of groceries), and help support me as I pursue a career in recipe development and food photography. All opinions are 100% my own.